Five Ways to Jumpstart Your Art Career

Many artists are self-taught or learn through a hodgepodge of classes and workshops from local schools and organizations. There’s no one way to find out how to do art. Make a clear start to your work day AND make a clear end to your at-home work day. When working from home it is very easy to have your work creep into family time and personal time. Make a clear end time and actually punch out.

how to successfully work from home and why it's an art

“I wrote one of my most-cited essays largely at the Atlanta airport way back in 1980 or ’81. I have often found myself able to concentrate in airports, but only if the waiting area isn’t packed, or if I can sit in a place that has tables,” she says. George Condo, Liza Lou, and other artists tell us the everyday rituals that help them create their best work. Just as a regular working day, set your schedule in the same manner. Even if you have children to care for, you can find ways of gaining uninterrupted time to yourself when most needed. Make a plan to organise “on the clock” hours and work during the same, regular hours.

Stop Making Art

Do things that you enjoy and take time to treat yourself. Don’t underestimate the power of starting your day right and setting an exuberant tone, as this ripple effect is likely to last until your entire work checklist has been ticked off. For instance, shower and dress up as you would for the office, and station yourself in a place good for your energy levels and creativity. For some, this could look like a desk by an open window a few steps away from the coffee machine, and for others, it could be working side-by-side with your partner on the balcony or patio. However, if you can’t leave your kids, don’t worry!

When you get there you notice it’s sort of messy, so you decide to clean up because, well, you’re in charge of your schedule. Forty-five minutes later, you have a clean kitchen, but you haven’t gotten any work done and now you need to pick up the kids from school. Whatever you wanted to get done today will have to be pushed to tomorrow. Another important thing that you need to do as an aspiring artist is to give up the habit of making excuses. If you want to be successful in the field, you have to go the extra mile to ensure that all the years of hard work pay off.

Create A Budget

The Art Career Project is a trusted resource for emerging and professional artists. When participating in a craft show, bring examples of your best work. Put up a sign on your table that clearly identifies who you are, what you make, your contact information and other specifics. When interacting with people from the public, smile. Your interactions with the public will do as much to sell your products as the quality of the goods themselves. The ability to talk about art is the mark of a true artist.